Saturday, May 16, 2009

Getting the day started Right

The data overwhelmingly supports breakfast as the most important meal of the day. As a matter of fact the higher the percent of your total calorie intake for the day that is breakfast, the smaller your waist line is likely to be. Obviously your total daily calorie intake needs to be the "right" number..

Since I am in a cutting phase I have taken my daily requirements and reduced them by half. This is to insure some kind of weight loss. By continuing my workouts and making the majority of the calories consist of protein, I am hoping to drop as close to only fat as I can.

My daily calorie demands are 2650. Therefore I am trying to eat around 1300 per day, and get as close to 150 grams of protein as I can. Staying at or above the protein number insures my muscles have the required fuel for growth and the calorie number assures me off weight loss.

Using the original concept of "front loading" calories, I also have to stay aware that protein usage by the body is limited to, at best, 10 grams an hour. So eating a 650 calorie breakfast loaded with protein, though great for my weight loss efforts, would result in the majority of the protein being wasted. So then to get that back I'd have to eat more later, thus blowing my calorie number sky high.

So though having a higher percent of daily calorie intake is best for weight loss, it can be counterproductive to maintaining my muscle mass. So I DO front load, but not just for breakfast. I'll take in about 800 of my daily 1300 by 3:00 pm. That gives me my best chance of success of balancing protein consumption with my weight loss goal.

So what does 800 calories, heavy in protein look like? Let's just say, I stay full (remember, lots of liquids helps with this). I'll break it down next time.

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