Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Before and After Photo’s, The 2 Tricks Behind the Amazing Transformations

You know the pictures and the captions: From “scrawny to brawny,” are you a “hard gainer”? And my favorite “from this to this in 90 days”. It’s almost like magic they are so amazing. So, how do they do it? Well if you are the magician…….you know the “magic”.

The first thing that I have to admit is that all of the before and after photo’s that I am aware of are in fact real. Not photo shopped, or altered to any great degree. The physical transformations that they represent did and do actually take place. It’s just not portrayed exactly as it happened.

Let’s start with the skinny guy transforming into an Adonis. The hard gainer. The facts are that when it comes to muscle building, we’re all hard gainers. You don’t add 30 lbs of muscle easily. No one does, or everybody would do it, wouldn’t they? Now some people’s genetic predisposition and body type makes it somewhat more difficult to add size, but everyone will, eventually. And therein lays the first trick.

The before and after photo’s of these fantastic transformations are taken YEARS apart. Not months, weeks or days. Years. If you notice the photos closely there will always be a difference in facial features, though they try to avoid direct straight on face shots. The hair style is different, often different color, shading and lighting will be changed and skin tone is usually darker in the after. These are all done to enhance the after, and it work’s, and to take your attention away from the fact that the skinny before photo is 5 or more years old.

News flash: Lift a lot of very heavy weight often, eat a lot of protein and work hard at it and in 5 years ANYBODY will pack on muscle. No miracle weight lifting routine here.

Then there’s the Doughboy before photo becoming Mr. Universe in the after, and doing it in 90 days. Well, this DOES happen. Have you ever seen what a professional lifter looks like if they go 30 days without lifting and add 15 lbs of blubber to their body? They look a LOT like the people in the before shots. Big, beefy, even chunky,very soft and smooth looking. But if you have ever had 3% body fat before, you can get back to this number 10 times faster than doing it for the first time. Same with muscle memory in lifting. It can take you years to get to a certain level of weight for bench or whatever, then injure yourself and have to take months off. When you hit the weights for the first time you might be able to handle 60-70% of what you were doing. But it comes back in just a few weeks. Same with fat loss. These before and after photo’s usually will be literally identical in every way. That’s because these will have been taken 60-90 days apart. But the before photo isn’t some schlub off the street. He’s a very muscular dude with 25 lbs of fat to drop. Been there, done that.

Lastly I have learned that the internet is loaded with useful, helpful FREE muscle building information. You just have to look for it. If you are too lazy to do that, and instead opt for some costly “program”, realize that buying it doesn’t make you NOT lazy anymore. Save your money.

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